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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Questions and queries about Cxoice in action.

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I'm designing a questionnaire but where do I get options about sample or panel links

The sample and panel link options are part of the project set-up when you 'Publish' the questionnaire along with options for monitoring, reporting and other options depending on the type of survey you are doing. Cxoice allows you to create a questionnaire directly without needing to sign in or create and account. This means you can share a questionnaire file (use Save...) with people like clients or reviewers without needing to have them as part of your project. It is part of our philosophy of 'work to screen' when designing questionnaires so as to get a better participant experience.

How do I export the questionnaire into Word?

In Cxoice it's actually easier than export. Select the 'Print/Copyable' option from the Questionnaire Creator, then use 'Select All' (Ctrl-A), Copy (Ctrl-C) and then paste it straight into a new Word document (Ctrl-V). Copy and paste can also be used to take data from the survey monitor into Excel.

You can also use copy and paste to copy text from Word into Cxoice, but only question-by-question. However, one little trick is that lists of possible responses can be copied and Cxoice will convert them into individual code lines - paste the list into the open last code line and Cxoice will create the list.

I want to create a quotation calculator form for my website. Can I use Cxoice for this, or is it surveys only?

Cxoice will create standalone HTML forms that can be added to any website. Build the quotation calculations in Cxoice then choose the save to HTML option. The file you create can be added to your website for your users and is completely separate from Cxoice. If you do need to save the details of the quote on your system, you will need a 'data collector' script from us. Let us know.

How do skips or routing work? I can't see the options for skips when editing a question?

Cxoice uses 'pages' to control the flow through a questionnaire as routing is calculated when a page is completed. The 'Add a page break' option will give you the options for skip patterns and routes. You can add multiple routing commands (the last true command is what is used for the skip). Skip to a question name, or use plus with a number (eg +2) to skip a number of pages ahead.

How do I add graphics or logos to a questionnaire?

To add images you need to be logged in with a project area. Once your survey is published to an online area, you can upload images and adjust the survey settings to add logos and images to the page design. In addition, you can upload bespoke CSS style sheets, and can customise each page with CSS commands in the pagebreak options.

What's the difference between the Questionnaire Creator view and the Test view?

The Questionnaire Creator shows the current list of questions in an easily readable format to make it easy to read and edit. However the actual questionnaire that will be seen on screen can only be seen and experienced with the Test option. This is because many of the modern question types include animation or visuals that can't be replicated in a simple 'word'-style document.

If you are sharing questionnaires with others always get them to look at the test or online versions so they can experience the full look and feel of the questionnaire, and then they can provide notes and comments on a Word version based on what they have seen.  We strongly recommend you design to screen, rather than starting with a Word document as most modern question types need to be seen on-screen.

Where do I find tabulations and reports?

Cxoice includes options for creating tabulations and live-data presentations straight from the survey data, so you can get results in a matter of minutes after the end of fieldwork. Options for reporting and tabulations are shown in your Project Area after the questionnaire is set to live, or in test mode with simulated data. To avoid confusion, reporting options are not shown when the questionnaire is still in 'Draft' mode for editing, to ensure you only create tabulations and reports based on the final questionnaire.

Note that Cxoice uses a 'data-stream' approach to collecting data, allowing you to take data extracts throughout fieldwork, and to combine data across different waves or research, or across different versions of a questionnaire (eg translations). Data can be edited and weighted and is always available for monitoring. All the reports can be edited in the online Cxoice Report Editor, and tabs and presentations can be run against different data extracts and can include filters and drill-down options.

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